Om någon orkar läsa så hittade jag en fin text av en kille som var på ambasaden i Stockholm samtidigt som mig. Tycker det sammanfattar en del av mina tankar också. Inte för att jag har velat ta mitt liv någon gång men det han sen inser.. ;D
Tycker det var bra sagt bara
used to be a swimming coach back home in Sweden, and I was pretty
successful. I even had swimmers at the Olympics. Then, a couple of years
ago, my dad suddenly died of cancer. A year later, some really bad
things happened overnight, and I lost my job. I was in a situation where
I had nowhere to go. I felt I had lost everything, and I almost took my
own life.
Then one night, I was watching ‘Fight Club’ with my brother, and in the movie they said, ‘It’s only after we’ve lost everything that we’re free to do anything.’
All of a sudden, I realized that I hadn’t lost anything; it was just in
my head. I never had anything in the first place. So I decided to start
over but didn’t want to have any plans. I just wanted to see where my
inner guidance takes me. On his deathbed, my dad had told me, ‘Live in
the moment. Catch the moment.’
So I thought, What’s my dream? If I
can do whatever I want, I want to go to America. So I did. I bought a
mountain bike, and I started riding it and doing the things I’ve always
wanted to do. My dad and I used to sit and look at photo albums, and now
I go to the places he used to go. I feel a connection when I do that.
I’ve got a room here and I’m helping out a little bit. I don’t make a
lot of money—just a little bit here and there—but I’m enjoying life.
I’m enjoying less. I have way less stuff and it feels so good. I had a
nice apartment in Sweden, but I sold it and gave away the furniture.
I don’t know where I will be in five years. I only know that I’m going
to Vegas later this year. I don’t know even where I’m going to live, but
so far it’s worked out perfectly. It’s been a great year, and it’s the
opposite of how things used to be. I used to plan everything and be so
goal-oriented. But the most depressing time in my life was when I was
most successful. I was depressed long before I lost my job. There were
times when I was thinking, Is this all there is? Because this sucks. I
can’t enjoy it. Now that I gave up on all this goal setting and success,
I’m happier than ever. For me, success is just living in the moment.
Even this conversation came out of nowhere. I find that when you let go,
good things start to happen more and more often.
A year ago, when I
almost wanted to take my life, I realized that happiness is not
something we have to achieve. It’s here. We don’t have to do anything.
Happiness is something we are born with. Somewhere along the line, we
start to believe that we have to achieve all these things, and we start
to overthink: Oh, I can’t do that because I need a degree first. So you
go and get the degree. Then you go and get the job. Then you think, Oh,
maybe this job isn’t right for me. You do all these things in your head,
and you don’t realize that you can just do things. If it works out—OK.
If it doesn’t—you are still happy. Whether I make it or not has nothing
to do with my happiness. Before, I was thinking, If I don’t make this,
I’m never going to be happy. I was so sad inside because I thought I
needed to do all these things and accomplish all that. But it’s not true
at all. It’s just years of programming.”
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